+18 votes
in Animal Advice Column by (350k points)


Can you imagine spending your entire life in a small space that isn’t big enough to do anything you enjoy doing, like playing with friends, exploring, or traveling? Instead of living freely with your family in your home, you’re stuck in an unfamiliar place, often alone or with other people you don’t know, while hundreds of loud people crowd around you and stare. Does that sound like fun? Of course not! But that’s what life is like for animals in zoos.

Here are five reasons why you should never visit zoos.

1. Captivity Often Makes Animals Crazy

In the wild, elephants walk up to 30 miles each day, bears are active for up to 18 hours a day exploring their home ranges for up to hundreds of miles, and tigers and lions love running and climbing and will roam many miles to hunt. But whenthese animals (or any wild animal) are imprisoned in cages or small enclosures at zoos, they don’t get to do the things that are natural and important to them. Instead, animals in zoos are kept in cramped spaces with virtually no privacy and have very few opportunities to exercise or keep their minds active.

Living without these important things often causes “zoochosis,” a condition in which animals act strangely and even hurt themselves out of boredom and frustration. </3


The signs of zoochosis are easy to spot. Bears and big cats, like lions and tigers, will pace back and forth. Monkeys and birds injure themselves. Giraffes twist their necks and bend their heads back and forth, and elephants bob their heads and sway side to side. This isn’t natural behavior that would be seen in the wild.

2. Zoos Care About One Thing The Most (And It’s Not The Animals)!

Because people love seeing baby animals at zoos, lots of zoos breed animals to make more babies, and, as a result, make lots of money. When babies grow up, though, they aren’t as popular. Zoos often trade, loan, or sell adult animals who aren’t making them as much money as when they were younger. Can you even imagine someone getting rid of you just because you weren’t a baby anymore?


These sad, unwanted animals may end up in roadside zoos or traveling circuses. Others are simply bought to be killed. For example, when baby animals who were displayed in the Minnesota Zoo’s farm exhibit grew up and didn’t attract as many visitors, the zoo took them to livestock auctions, where many ended up being sent to slaughter.

3. Zoos Rarely Help Animals

Many zoos claim that the reason why they exist and continue to breed animals is to help protect endangered species, but that’s not true. In fact, most animals in zoos aren’t endangered, and those who are will likely never be released into natural habitats.


Zoos and wildlife parks almost always favor big, “popular” animals while ignoring smaller animals who need protection. Plus, keeping animals in cages does nothing to help their species in the wild. If zoos really wanted to save animals from extinction, they would be helping protect animals’ natural habitats, not keeping them in prisons.

4. Zoos Aren’t Educational

Possibly the biggest lie that zoos tell people is that by visiting them, people will learn about wild animals. But the only thing that zoos teach people is that it’s OK to keep animals in captivity—bored, cramped, lonely, and very far from home.

Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals

Most visitors spend only a few minutes at each display and learn very little about the animals they’re seeing. Signs outside displays barely cover more than an animal’s species, diet, and natural range. Animals’ “normal” behavior isn’t discussed often in zoos because they don’t get to live “normal” lives there. For example, birds’ wings may be clipped so that they can’t fly, aquatic animals often go without adequate water, and many animals who naturally live in large herds or family groups are kept alone or, at most, in pairs.

5. Zoos Are Dangerous for Animals

When you really think about it, zoos are basically just prisons that leave animals with no ways to defend themselves or escape dangerous situations. Animals in zoos all over the U.S. have been poisoned, been starved, been denied veterinary care, and even been burned in fires.

Other animals have died after eating trash that was thrown into their cages, and some animals have even been beaten or killed by people who stole them from their pens.

Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals

During natural disasters like floods, wildfires, and hurricanes, animals in zoos are often left without any help or ways to escape. For example, after Hurricane Katrina, most of the 10,000 aquatic animals at Audubon Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans died after the power failed and employees were forced to leave.

Does all this really happen?! I had no idea! Why are zoos so mean! If they say that they help endangered animals, then they should help endangered animals!  :(
Zoos are bad for animals.I wanna release all the animals after reading this

I filljawdrop bad for the animals and i can't balive zoos don't care about the animalscry_smile


hi my name is magon i'm 11 years old and  i work in a zoo i know you are problobe  like i don't like her im the tip of person that i like animals i had a dog name billy and he passed when i was 10. i loved animals so that was why i wanted to work in a zoo, but know i  how horible they treat the animals i don't work at the zoo no more i trid to help the animals but i could not and i work with my dad mom and we left the job because they were treating the animals bad. so that is how im a little girl with a big hart byyyyy!
This makes me want to release them at once

Sad jawdropew this emoji is gross


oh really? explain how the red wolves were saved from being extinct, that's right zoos, there were only 13 pure red wolves and over 300 hybrids. the zoos bred them back to being vulnerable and released them. sure not all zoos treat animals right, but some zoos do treat them right. you've only seen one bad zoo and using it to say that's what all zoos are like, I'm disappointed in this smh. didn't you go to school?

They really said "didn't you go to school" but they did not capitalize that or the first letter at the beginning and "smh" is an abbreviation, you can not put an abbreviation in formal writing. Not to mention "didn't is not formal, did not would be correct. Same thing with "you've" that should be you have. Fix your writing before insulting someone else.
what the! I love animals. Please release them now! i used to love zoos before reading this!!!!
NO NONE OF THIS IS TRUE!!!! Most of the animals that are in zoos were born in zoos. The reason for the animals having babies is to give other zoos the animals to help them have babies and so on. Once enough babies are born, they begin to release the animals in the wild to help bring up the numbers of the animal species that are endangered.

As far as circuses go, I’m 99% sure there is none or very few even left. For the few that might be left, just give it a short time, they’ll be gone soon too! EVERYTHING ON THIS PAGE IS 100% TRUE FOR ANIMALS IN THE CIRCUS!!!!

Thankfully there is hundreds groups and organizations out there that do everything they can to protect animals and to make sure animals are getting the best care they can possibly get. And if they find out a animal is not getting the best care it can get, they know how to put an immediate stop to it.

I used to think all of this was true when I was younger and I thought zoos were the devil! Then after doing some research I realize that the zoos are actually doing more good than bad for animals and because of the zoos many animals are no longer endangered.

I wish all of this could be done without the public and people staring at all of the animals. But the reality of that happening is slim to none. Most people would not care to donate money to help endangered animals or try to put a stop to deforestation without going to the zoo and seeing the animal in person and learning the cold hard truth of what humans are doing to the animal population. There is a much better chance of somebody trying to help the endangered species after seeing and learning about them from visiting the zoo. And plus all of this could not be done without money. The public going to visit the animals is it biggest moneymaker to help save these animals and their species.

I went on Google and I searched “what zoos do not want you to know” and this was the first thing that popped up. I’m still hesitant on believing all of this is 100% true. Unfortunately there will always be bad people and/or bad zoos out there. Thankfully the biggest zoos in the world that house the most animals, are kept under a very close watch and they truly are doing their best for the animals. But as far as I’m concerned everything have I learned about Zoos is still true. AND EVERYTHING ON THIS PAGE IS UNTRUE!!!
Zoos are bad and mean and I hate them after reading this article. terrible never ever go to zoos to put them out of business

Thank you for your time

hot pepperwhat if the country doesn’t have any natural disasters for example *searches on google for countries that doesn’t have any natural disasters* like Qatar, Singapore, and etc?

Zoos are ok but i still don't like them
dang but yeah that is true-Emma
that howl page is so bad and sad

I didn't know this Im writing an essay about how zoos should be banned and I was like they shouldnt but now that I know this  I hate zoos.


reason is Animals Are Taken From Their Homes.jawdropwonderingembarrassed_smile


I am in between with zoos i like them but i don't at the same time and i actully am doing a school project of our opinions and after reading this and looking at the comments i don't know which side to be on?! speechless


OMG!!!! let the animals go! Or at least change there living situation

Those are good reasons and all but zoochosis is a real thing and at some point animals were taken from their homes and then bred for years and even if they were not born in the wild they still have hundreds of large areas to roam around as something they are adapted for
this is bonkers

7 Answers

0 votes

Nooo, not all zoos are toxic like you just said.

Some are non profit, so they can't care about the money 

There are MANY good zoos out there that do it to PROTECT the animals

And I can't believe you said zoos aren't educational. 

Maybe you should try to go to a good zoo to see how it looks like for people to care about the ani.als more than the mony

I think this post was opinionated and you didn't look further than the surface of the topic of zoos. No offense at all by the way, because I do that too sometimes. But maybe try volunteering to help out at a good zoo to see what it's REALLY like.

I do believe that there are many zoos exactly like how you explained, or even worse, but there are a good bunch of great ones.

My favorite zoo is the Cheyenne mountain zoo in Colorado. It is epic and amazing and I've been going there my whole life. Well, until I moved out of state. . .

And with that folks, have a good one, and go ahead and hit that subscribe button on your way out (Skip The Tutorial)

there are barely any zoos like that
search up zoos killing animals and look
0 votes
by (25.2k points)
OMG! bro!
+1 vote
Close all the zoos☹️sad for the animals
+1 vote
by (155k points)
+3 votes

This is terrible! I am so on the animals being free. 

+2 votes
I agree with you very strongly but I know some zoos that treat the animals quite kindly
by (350k points)
+2 votes

This was a well thought out essay. I agree what your trying to tell your readers, your message in the passage. I think animals in zoos are horrid, and kept in small, cramped cages are too much. In my opinion, I agree with the paragraph "Zoos are Dangerous for the Animals". I feel bad for the animals, and hope someone figures out a solution for this soon!

by (350k points)
I actually didn't write it, I copied and pasted from PETA website.
Gemheart, You do know that PETA isn't the best source right?
Gemhart, PETA is a highly biased source with some scary pictures. Of course, much of what they say is true, but a lot of it is out of date or false. They are also very biased about what information they including, only picking the worst facts, against any zoos or whatever thing their debating.The purpose of all their articles in to convince people to stop animal "abuse", and on many cases the animal abuse isn't real. (It is in some though) When's the last time you have been to a zoo with an actual prison cage cell for their animals?


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