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Okay. Before I start, just know that I understand there might be controversy. 

I really don't care. Honestly, I'm going to be as fair and reasonable as I can, seeing as my opinion might not be true in others' perspectives.


So let's proceed:
Is school reasonable?
Now, I'll be for real: Sometimes things schools do are very biased or unfair; They give us clumpy Tru-moo or PET milk (Seriously- PET MILK? We're not animals. I have no idea why they named their company that.) and then expects us to not say anything. Then they'll give us a factory-sized stash of homework. I've seen many people explain their stories of how they've gotten sick just by eating school food and drinking moldy milk. Somebody on YouTube even said they had to eat a green burger and black fries wondering
I don't know if most of them were exaggerating, but yeah. My school food was actually pretty good, but the lunch room experience was terrible. They made us sit in silence, and they watched us like a hawk. We were FIRST GRADERS, what were we gonna do? Steal your keys while your back is turned? We were all pretty good kids, except for one boy. He was pretty mean and disgusting; You don't wanna know about him. That's why I always say at least a mile away from him at all times. And that's also why schools should keep a better eye on students at lunch or snack time to make sure that they had clean hands and weren't contaminating the food we all shared.
I find the amount of classes I have pretty unfair- I have at least 7 classes. I know I know; It's not a lot to you, but it is very tiring and boring to me. They also gave me Art and Writing lab and Computer literature. My mom had asked me if I wanted to do computer literature and writing lab, but never actually explained what those classes were for. As the stupid child I was, I said yes without asking why those classes were important and how in the living HAM they would help me improve.
They don't. They're literally a giant weight pulling down on me, and they are kind of stupid (no offense). 
Art class.

Art class is pretty useless. It's fun sometimes, but our teacher doesn't let us interact much. She always locks the class chat (In CLASS, GCA's zoom class) and barely ever lets us talk even if we are a little bit off topic. Most of our projects and assignments are required, even though I don't know why. I don't really want to be an artist when I grow up- I want to pursue my dream as a dancer. but I know many jobs require you to have experience with art (WHICH SUCKS :( ). Now, I know not ALL teachers are mean or unfair, but I've heard of many people who have bad relationships with their art teachers. Seems a bit SUS huh? <:P

Computer literacy.
Boring. It takes up a lot of my time during the school day, and it's too difficult. I don't really want to learn coding (Alright guys, I know I brought this upon myself, but I'm still complaining.). Like, the school is expecting us to learn how to create the world's largest robot or something! it's not like I'm planning to become the CEO of Google or NordVPN or whatever. To get that far in life is crazy hard, and I'm trying my best already; SO WHY DO SCHOOLS PUSH US SO HARD? I know, not all schools are the same. Some principals have different.... Principles. They strive to do their best and make school great again, like when you were running around and eating snacks and reading storybooks in kindie.
Friends in school.
Life is hard. it always will be! But making friends in school is harder. Now, it may be easy for SOME people, but genuinely hard for others. I know how hard it is to not see your friends, and trying to make new ones after losing old ones is very hard. Some students build such great relationships with others that it turns into RoMaNcE, Bestiemance (The relationships between two besties XD), or a situationship that has yet to bloom into a fully nourished romance. But then school ends....And the sadness starts. You won't be able to see your Bestie or Bf/Gf in a long time. Some kids don't have a phone, and so they don't have a way of connecting with one another. Then they'll start at a new school, and never see their friends again. Making a friend is hard, but ending your friendship is easier. School ending is one of the reasons that kids forget or leave friends, and it shouldn't be.
Once a child reaches age 8, they start the heinous rollercoaster known as Puberty. They'll start to grow more in places they...wouldn't really enjoy. It makes life a bit harder for them, and school doesn't make it any better. Boys and girls will start liking each other and feeling...THINGS, and they'll be confused as to how they've changed so quickly without warning. And later on at my age (11 *And up*) they will start to develop more crushes, or even have a Bf or Gf or first kiss. Which I find very weird because parents can be very strict sometimes, but when they figure out their child WHO ISN'T EVEN A TEENAGER has a relationship, they don't care. Children are still very young at this age; So their relationship isn't even a real commitment. Children don't even know the first few digits of Pi but already have a fully formed marriage at age 12. HOW. I think they should have time to grow up first and finish puberty or something at LEAST. Most of those kids have a healthier relationship than their grandparents and don't even understand how to spell correctly. But I guess they can do what they want- They can get hurt if they want. School relationships are even worse, because the school is filled with thousands of people. There's bound to be at least 1 person that your bf or gf would rather be with. School drama is mostly about relationships and how Jeff left Maria to be with Sam.
I think kids and teenagers should leave love alone until they finally understand how to do 7 Squared. But seriously, though; Leave it alone until you get a good grasp on the world first, because most kids don't understand that people will leave you just like that, in the blink of an eye or the flash of an eyelash. So you can have crushes and all that, but don't try to take them seriously or grow up too fast. I have crushes, but I kept that to myself (Mostly XD) and I don't have a Bf. But that's MY choice and opinion.
School in general.
It's seriously not that bad, it just has its minor setbacks. I despise it only because I want to be lazy and sleep in through the week, not get up at literally 7:00 in the morning every day just to attend a zoom meeting like I'm the CEO of Google XD
It's okay though, I just wish it didn't require you to be physically and mentally prepared all the time. It's not every day that you just wanna get up and be productive, so that's why I've created some amendments to school.
1. All students should have the same plan for the day, and should wake up at least at 10:00.
2. The dress code should be fair. Guys don't get distracted by a girls shoulders or knees! "OMG. Her knees are sooo smooth and perfectly symmetrical! I love how broad her shoulders are, it makes me want to ask her out grin"
 That's just straight up weird.
That's just like falling in love with a blade of grass.
3. Girls can wear whatever they want as long as it's not too short. if it is, they can just wear leggings or tights or whatever covers up...Yeah.
4. No drama. I know, it's stupid to make a no drama rule, but with how much students complain and fight, I think we REQUIRE one.
5. A student's lunch shouldn't be moldy and come with clumpy milk. Bro; WHO WOULD EAT THAT?
6. Bathrooms should abide by the personal space rule; The doors of the stalls shouldn't be too high or low. Nobody  wants to watch you relieve yourself of the extra gallons of fruit punch you drank at the prom night dance, I promise; which is why it's weird to have a stall built to where you can see somebody use the Dunny.
7. All bathrooms must have resources for girls and boys, Like Y'know... Stuff. Idk if boys need anything for their PuBeRtY problems, but they might idk. i'm a girl, so I know we need stuff. I've seen many girls complain on Tiktok about the insufficient amount of girls'supplies, and it's sad how they had to restore their schools' bathrooms with new stuff. it's terrible that they don't care or don't have enough money or time to fix it.
8. Punishments shouldn't be so hard on children. remember, they do know better; But they're still just juveniles. they don't understand most things, or the reasons why they shouldn't do stuff. A simple reminder or warning should've enough- If not, take it up with the parents or principal!
9. Schools should make sure to check who they're hiring. I've seen many news stories about horrible, disgusting people who somehow landed a job as a teacher. Some enforced terrible rules or punishments on young children, others have accidentally (Or purposefully) *Un*lived* kids. They can be wicked, and somehow schools never know the teachers' dirty little secrets.
And that's all I've got for now. Like I said, I don't really care about the controversy; i tried to make it as reasonable and truthful as I could, and I hope you guys understand. It's a very long subject XD

1 Answer

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by (230k points)
Best answer


THATS MY *voice breaks* FAV-

*sobbing intensifies*

But, all jokes aside, I agree.

Ngl, I kinda just skimmed this cause its so long but yeeeah.


And sometimes I like to chew on the clumps in the milk :)
by (529k points)

That is one of the most disgusting (not digesting, autocorrect :[) things I've ever heard—
Thank you :D

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