+5 votes
in Other by
Kidztalk is like, 98% Female lol

No offense, a lot of the boys that ARE here, are Gay or don't identify as Male, which is fine! U do u, Bro~

But how many are straight and "Male" lol

 Almost every post I see is created by a girl

I'm one of the few  girls I know that are straight and Identify as Female.

KT has changed a lot X3

(No offense to anyone.)

I just found out Joel was gay from an old post, and was shocked; but not mad at all :)

He's still the same lovable "Deku" I know and love!

Which was kinda Cannon, but then I remembered how weird it was to like somebody that doesn't even know you irl~

So when I develop a crush on a Kidztalker, I forget about it. There's no point in having a crush on them I guess. Especially Joel.

But no worries, I don't mind :)

U be u, Ig

10 Answers

+1 vote
by (215k points)
Best answer
(also Joel's pronouns are they/them btw)

Gravity, Grim,and Alpha are the boy users from the top of ma hed T-T
by (215k points)
And Naccim

And Smtz1216
by (6.2k points)
Wait wadaboutmeh
by (215k points)
You aren’t Smtz1216, then?
by (6.2k points)
No what ABOUT me
by (137k points)
Oh, and me.
by (215k points)
by (137k points)
Back for a little while! I might stay, though. What do you think?
+1 vote
by (111k points)
I am a 100% straight male :D
by (518k points)

0 votes
by (27.1k points)
i've been trying to get my friends (who are all straight males) to join kidztalk, but only 2 joined, and 1 of them is inactive.
0 votes
by (159k points)
Naccim x Elo for life.
by (86.3k points)
by (27.1k points)
by (954k points)
*skull emoji*
by (159k points)
Best ship on kt besides Duke x Cheer imo lol
by (86.3k points)
kinda true
0 votes
I'm a Girl and my Sensuality is Straight.
by (111k points)
Sensuality??? U do realize that means something completely different lol. SUS
by (264k points)
by (86.3k points)
Guys we found her, get her!
by (57.0k points)



Insert Da Rock SUS vine boom*

Sadly, I was dumb enough to search up what S*nsuality meant. Lord help me :(
by (526k points)
I searched it up in the dict—
by (111k points)
You searched it in the waaaaaat?????????
by (57.0k points)
Dictionary! Don’t be dirty-minded!!
by (526k points)

*bops you on the head with a book*
by (264k points)

Oh dear you all T_T I should have warned you...

by (111k points)

That's what happens when you abbreviate words around a 15 yo dufus hehe
by (526k points)
Straight to jail x3
by (86.3k points)
YOUR 15!?!!

There's me thinking your 10, why do I suck at guessing ages...

Btw, bro should be behind bars.
0 votes
by (159k points)
Idk if you are referring to the SEX male or the GENDER male.

SEX male, it would be about 5 or 6.

GENDER male, it would be 4 or 5.

But you’re right, mostly everyone here is female (more people to rizz up-)
by (954k points)
My crush hugged me maybe once. Never did any of the others.

(But does he like ME?)
by (86.3k points)
That is the real question
by (954k points)
Yeah, and I’ve been trying to find the answer to that question for 14 months.

I still don’t have a concrete answer.
by (57.0k points)

See…I’ve never been hugged by my crush. Only thing is he held my hand. but it didn’t really count cuz we were saying a prayer before dinner. STILL it was his choice to sit next to me…

by (954k points)
Ay, my crush has held my hand before, but it was a PE activity and we all had to hold hands to form a circle.
by (57.0k points)
Yea. Another time…(this was a different crush) we were in PE and the teacher asked for volunteers and he took my hand and lifted it up to raise my hand cuz no one was volunteering
by (954k points)

I don’t think my crush likes me though. (Proof: I proposed (the marriage kind) to my robot Rodney and Rodney accepted so then one of my friends said that me and Rodney (THIS IS A ROBOT, BY THE WAY) were gonna have kids and my crush said that he was actually kind of glad about it)
by (86.3k points)
Oh.. That doesn't sound good
by (264k points)

Kissing is overrated anyways. Hand-holding is where it's at, honestly. Makes me freaking just MELT- innocent

by (86.3k points)
Exactly, you have a point
+3 votes
by (111k points)
I am a straight male and I am strongly against the idea of being gay or anything other than what God intended for us. I am not saying I hate people who are not straight. I only hate the idea and practice of not being straight and embracing it.
I agree. I don't "Hate" Anyone, but I hate it. Yk?

I just support Joel and others Ig because they are still human. just... Confused? (No offense)
by (111k points)
by (526k points)

Just because I support LGBTQIA+ means I don't have common sense :O

I'm so stupid that I didn't even realize that. Thanks for enlightening me, Reuel :]
by (111k points)
You literally just said that because you support LGBTQIA+ means that you have no common sense :D
by (526k points)
I was literally being sarcastic :D

Common sense is when you accept that people are people and they should be proud of themselves because people like you judge them :D

It kills me to see that the smartest people don't really have "common sense" :D

Guess common sense isn't so common :D
by (111k points)

Common sense is having the sense and knowledge that is common to humans which includes the knowledge that people are not supposed to be defined by what their fleshly //big-eyes// feels like but instead based on the way they were born physically.

by (526k points)

And you just cursed.

We don't have to resort to cursing just to prove a selfish point. That's immature.

And yes, you're being selfish, because gender and sex are two different things no matter which way you look at it. We're not living in the 1800s anymore, dude. Just because you are doesn't mean other people are (hence "selfish"). I'm sorry to give you that reality check, but considering you're smart enough to code, you should be smart enough to know these things.

Like I said, common sense isn't so common.

by (159k points)



by (111k points)

The problem with our society is that people come up with their own ideas that are opposite of what the Bible teaches. Yet, when these ideas are actually tested no one can find any proof that it is real. Take evolution as an example. Have you ever seen or heard of any sort of proof that proves evolution to be true? No. Yet, people are influenced by Satan in a way that causes them to not want to believe in God or Christianity. Because of this, people continue to believe in evolution even though there is no proof that evolution is true (tell me if you have any lol). I mean, if someone's ideas don't match up with reality, wouldn't it make sense to change your thinking than to try to change reality in a way that matches your ideas? 

Back to my main point, you clearly said that I am smart. So, could it be possible that maybe what I am saying is true? Do I have to be wrong because it doesn't match up with what you think? Maybe you are wrong and what you learned was false. I mean, if people stopped trying to make their ideas of evolution be true, they might be open to the possibility that the theory of evolution is incorrect. If you think about it, Christianity lines up with all the evidence that we have better than evolution does. 

Anyways, I just wanted to say that. Thanks for reading that and I hope maybe this reaches someone open to hearing new ideas. GL people. I'm off to a parteeeee (No, it's not one of those high school parties where everyone makes out. It's a campus party that is happening at the campus I live in). 

Peace rock

by (526k points)
All I can say is that everything you said can be said about Christianity and your beliefs.

But don't hide behind your religion and say that LGBTQIA+ is wrong because of that.

God isn't going to smite you for supporting a gay or nonbinary person.

God isn't going to say "don't make me come down there" if you support LGBTQIA+.

The bible, if I'm not mistaken, talks about loving everyone. Sure, for reproduction, man and woman were made for each other (though some organisms can do just fine making more on their own), but when it comes to just loving, as long as it isn't done illegally, it's fine. You act like our species is going to come to an end if we accept LGBTQIA+.

News flash, there are still going to be straight people, like you and me and lots of others.

We both are going on what we perceive as "evidence" that disproves or proves Christianity. You and I both know that neither of us have the true answer that can make everyone believe that God is real or not real.

We could have arguments for 1000 years with both of us providing constant evidence and never change the other's mind.

All I'm saying is to stop the unnecessary hate against human beings who are just trying to live their lives like you. That type of hate is Satanic. It's uncalled for. They've done nothing to you.

Judge them by the content of their character, not their sexuality, identification, or ideas. Just because you think they should go by your ideas of what the world should be like... Well, like I said before, is selfish.

God loves everyone. As long as they've done nothing to hurt anyone, God loves everyone. It is unfair for Christians to go back and say that just because they do not love in a way that is considered normal that they should be treated like Satanists. Sexuality and identification have nothing to do with that. If they are nice, loving, compassionate and made up of everything the world needs more of, they should be granted the right to go to heaven.

You thinking that they're weird means that there's a conflict within yourself that you have to deal with.

And please, please, PLEASE do not group some LGBTQIA+ people who've done bad things with other people who are part of the community, because that's also unfair and rude.

All you do is make things worse by holding a grudge.

But since we have ended this conversation, we can go past this.

I'm glad we've had this conversation and I hope we can continue to be friends :]

I hope I got through to you.
by (111k points)

I have a few things to say. 

First of all, thank you for reminding me that I need to love other people. Some times I get carried away with different things and hurt people in the process. 

Second, I feel that yall are misunderstanding me. I hold no hate for any of yall. I love you all like brothers and sisters. The only thing I hate is the act of being queer or anything related to pride. It makes me mad to think how perverted the world has turned since the internet started carrying ideas around. 

Third, I still want to be friends but tbh I looooooooooooooooove debating and such and I can't do it much at my house cuz my dad just shuts me up (Don't get me wrong, my dad is an amazing person but he hates it when I try to tell him that he is wrong. Rightly so.).

Peace rock

by (526k points)
Okay, one last thing I must confess,

I don't understand how LGBTQIA+ pride is perverted because it is literally just being proud of who you are because people judge them.

Again, not trying to start any arguments, and I know that you keep saying peace, but I just had to say that.

Now I will say peace x3
by (111k points)
The I don't really understand all the term meaning lol.
by (526k points)
I still need further explanation x3
by (159k points)
One thing I must confess.

My loneliness

by (111k points)
Stay strong :D
by (86.3k points)

OMG WTH I AM A CHRISTIAN it's people like you who use the bible as an excuse for saying gays shouldn't exist, and then say it's part of being Christian.

Look at me, THAT IS NOT TRUE, I go to church every Sunday and the Organist is gay and he lives in a house OWNED by the church with his husband, the Sunday school director is gay and has a wife who sings in the choir and those are just a few examples. 

Saying that "the bible clearly states that gays don't exist" is your sparklesOPINIONsparkles. It is not what everyone thinks the Bible says, and to be fair the Bible is a text that YOU not anybody else, YOU should interpret what the Bible says. 

Also you sound like a Bigot. When you talk about the Bible you basically say everyone else's beliefs are wrong. Think about it, you are saying that any other beliefs do not exist or are wrong so this means you also think other religions are wrong... They have beliefs of what (God)s intends for them.

What I'm saying is it's okay to believe something, live by it. But don't tell others what they should believe because in the end to each their own.

by (57.0k points)

Alpha. U just…READ MY MIND 














uh oh…can u read my thoughts?


by (98.5k points)

Here's all I'm going to say,

didn't God love everyone? Accepted everyone? Why aren't we trying to be more like God?

by (86.3k points)
Si me gusta
by (57.0k points)
by (111k points)
God does love everyone no matter what is wrong with them but that does not mean he accepts sin. God designed us male and female and he said in the bible that man should marry women.

There are also many cases in the bible where people tried to marry people of the same sex and God rebuked them and/or destroyed their city (example, Sodom and Gamorah)
by (86.3k points)
It was just sin not a special type of sin it just says SIN not GAY
by (111k points)
choosing to be gay falls into the category of sin. God clearly stated in the bible that choosing to be gay or choosing to go after people of the same gender as you is sin.

ig the bible does also state that it is pointless to argue with a fool so I'm just gonna end this thread...
by (86.3k points)
lol u think being gay is a choice
by (57.0k points)
Um. It’s not?
by (111k points)
You may feel at first that you are attracted to someone of the same gender as you but that is not called being gay. Being gay is embracing that and choosing to follow those fleshly desires.
by (86.3k points)
Ok...... Umm liking the same gender isn't really a choice bc it's who u like u can't just go someday and say "OH WAIT! I'm not gay any more :D" I'm sorry but I just said ur straight so u have no idea what being gay is like
by (526k points)
And also, you can say the exact same thing about being straight. You choose to follow your desires towards the opposite sex because you feel attracted to them. You can't change that you feel attracted to them. Same goes for LGBTQIA+ people. They are no different, so don't treat this like they are.
0 votes
by (27.1k points)
7, i think.
0 votes
by (6.2k points)
IAm a boy Wanda bout u
I'm a girl
by (6.2k points)



I'm female. And I have rizz shades_smile

Actually, in third grade they called me the Rizzard of oz a-B)

Come to think of it, be careful, or I might just rizz u angel_smile

+1 vote
by (30.7k points)
Im a boy.

And Im straight
Wow, that's a first.

I haven't seen many.

I remember u from that Kt ships post, when we got shipped. Idk why, we don't really know each other like that; Our closest relationship would probably be siblings or Friends. ur the older bro I guess.
by (6.2k points)
by (30.7k points)
Oh yeah.

I didnt really know why either

yeah probably the closest relationship would be friends
Even if we WERE in that type of relationship, you'd get annoyed with me easily.I'm pretty Feisty and I hold grudges. Maybe not "Girlfriend material", but I'm a good Best friend.
by (30.7k points)
I dont think Id get annoyed. YOu seem pretty nice.

Not that I have a crush on you just you seem nice

wondering mmMM?


Nah I believe u.

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