+10 votes
in Fiction by (68.9k points)

Hi! I've been working on Captured, the story me and Thalia are writing, but I wrote a few stories before I started writing chapters for Captured. Here's one called 'The Daughter of Time'.


I live in an apartment with my mom, in a city. My dad died fighting a war, I never saw him before, not even a picture. I have a best friend named Justin, he’s been my friend ever since we first met at preschool. He changed a lot, he used to be a quiet and cute little boy, to an annoyingly hot teenager. I always hang out with him, and many times, people tease us that we’re a cute couple, which always makes me and Justin blush like ripe tomatoes. 

“I’m home!” I hear my mom say, as she comes inside. “Sorry I’m late, the traffic and weather these days are harsh. And not just that, the disease is spreading like crazy!” she says, “I know, mom. It’s fine. Too bad the vaccine hasn’t come out yet.” I say. “Go get some sleep, honey. I’ve got to do some work before I go to bed, sorry honey…” she looks sad and tired all the time, which makes me feel more bad than I already do. “Okay, g’night.” I say softly, and I go to my room.

My dream was super crazy last night, there was bright light everywhere, and then I saw a figure of a woman, a beautiful woman, “You are not what you think you are, you are not human.” she said, in the most wonderful voice I’ve ever heard. I was about to ask what she meant, when I was woken by my alarm.

After I dressed, I went downstairs, and I told my mom about my dream last night. At first, she seemed shocked, and worried, but then she covered it up by smiling and said “I bet it’s just a weird dream, you know, puberty and stuff.” I couldn’t help being a little suspicious, but I decided to let it go, but the whole day, all I could think about was that dream.

I was walking back home with the groceries that my mom wanted me to get, when I heard someone.

“Hey little girl,” I hear a voice say behind me, a guy that looks a little bit older than me with a scary look on his face is there, I scream and start running, but he chases me, and quickly corners me. Nobody seems to be around, so I start panicking, he has  a fireball in his hand, and I feel a little dizzy, I’m hallucinating, right? But then he gets closer to me, and I feel the heat getting hotter. Just then, a rock is thrown right above his head from behind, he quickly turns around and I catch a glimpse of two guys around my age, one looks more built (and kind of more stupid) than the other and is wearing a yellow t-shirt that shows off his muscles, and the other guy looks more flexible and smart, and is wearing a blue t-shirt with a gold trident symbol on it.

The one with the blue shirt pulls me behind him, as I watch him and the yellow shirt guy battle the scary guy with powers of their own. Blue shirt seems to have water powers, and the yellow shirt seems to have electric powers. Once they have the scary guy on the ground, they knock him out, but they don’t do anything else with him. “Why don’t you guys put him in prison or something?” I ask, “Because, he’s one of us, he’s just being controlled by someone.” Blue shirt says.

“Oh, okay, that makes so much sense! Three guys with powers and one of them is being controlled by someone! Total sense!” I say, “I know, right?” the yellow shirt guy says, seeming to not get my sarcasm.

“Ugh, whatever,” I say, as I roll my eyes. “I really need to get home, so if you’ll excuse me…” I walk past them, glancing at the 2 of them, and then the guy on the ground, and then I leave.

When I get home, I find my mom cooking dinner, already. “Mom! It’s only 3:47! We don’t eat dinner until like, 3 hours!” I exclaim, “Oh…” my mom looks down at the food, “Right. Sorry, honey. I got a little confused…” her brows furrow. “It’s all right mom.” I say, as I turn off the stove, and lead my mom to the couch.

“You just have a lot on your mind, I guess.” I say, trying to comfort her. “Yeah, uh, honey, my boss… fired me.” she says, at last. “What?!” I exclaim, “But you're like, the best in the department!


And, that's all I have for now. I hope you guys like it!

~ With luv, Wraya <3

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (26.9k points)
I’m guessing your gonna become a famous righter abc these stories are amazing!
by (68.9k points)

Aww, thank you! I love you pfp btw. My dream job(s) are to become a pop star (maybe K-pop), model (although I am one, but I don't do much anymore), and be online famous. Writing is just a hobby of mine. BTW, what do you want to be when you're older?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (26.9k points)
Thx, I will probably be a lawyer
by (68.9k points)

Cool! My parents will prob want you to be their daughter instead of me, 'cause, ya know, Doctor or Lawyer? Hehe.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Wait, wait, wait! YOUR A MODEL?????!!!!!!

You're kidding right?
by (68.9k points)

I'm not kidding. Ever since 2019. (My poker face is on rn, to show you that I'm not kidding.)

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Ok shock!

What for where for?!

Tell me everything!!!!!!!!!!
by (68.9k points)

Well, I did acting and modeling. Here's how it all started:

It was a normal spring break, 2019, in Tennessee or something, at a McDonald's, me and my brother were on a small playground in the McDonald's and my mom suddenly called my brother over, and of course, I followed him. My mom asked him if he wanted to act, he said no, I asked if I could, and she said okay. She got an Email that was for auditions near my dad's work in NM, and my mom wanted one of us to go, since I agreed, I went to the auditions with my family, there was about 500 people, I think? And I'm pretty sure we all had to do a Skippy Peanut Butter commercial monologue, and I passed! And there was another audition after that, and I also passed, I felt so lucky! I got acting and modeling lessons with the other people who passed, there were teens, and kids my age or 2 years younger. After all the learning, I don't remember how long, there was an audition, there were 2 people, an agent, and a guy who managed this place called iPOP! I got chosen by both of them, and I was so excited, my parents spent a lot of money for me and my mom to go to California for iPOP! That's where I got to go on a real runway. And I also acted for these episodes, I'm not sure what it was called though... but, yeah! After that I was 2 lead roles for these short plays in NM. I was super sad to leave the adults I made friends with (I was the only kid). I almost got to act for Nick (Nickelodeon)! I didn't really do any modeling after that, my agent sends my mom a lot of acting and modeling auditions, but my mom says I can't until Covid's gone... :(

BTW, if you don't believe me, that's fine. At least I know the truth...

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

Oh, I believe you. It's just crazy!!

Like I am so jealous! I really really want to be a singer and being a model is the perfect start to being a singer. My idol Dua Lipa was a model before becoming a singer.

So, you are so lucky I just wish I knew your name so when you become famous, I could say I chatted with you!

It's so funny were so alike we both want to be singer we both like the same things! 

by (68.9k points)

Oh! Nice! Idol??? (Idols are bad... unless you mean favorite celebrity?) Haha! When I become famous, actually, if I become famous, which, I'm really hoping, I hope KS will allow me to reveal myself, or I'll say that I'm Wraya on KS on TV! Hehe, I wish that could happen. Imagine, both of us becoming celebs, and meeting each other, and somehow figuring out that the other person was Blue/Wraya! Yeah, we're so alike!

I wish I could hear you sing, I bet you're voice is beautiful! <3

Honestly, I love dancing, but I don't have a teacher for that, yet, since I'm gonna move, so I can't get lessons yet. I like hip-hop, because it's most close to K-pop dances. My singing voice is okay, in my opinion, but I can't exactly hear myself, so... hehe!

Do you sometimes record yourself singing while listening to a song, because you think you sound good, but when you actually hear the recording, it sounds so bad, that you delete it right away? That happens to me all the time.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

When I was your age I did want to be singer lollll than my dreams changed. I want to be an author or a  famous actor.

Then I could become a famous actor Lol lol we could star in a musical together. I could write XD.

Yes I would like to here Both your voices. I bet you guys sound really pretty.

I like dancing too. But I don't have a natural gift for that unfourtantuntly. Yes I just misspelled that. Seriously you should my awful moves XD it'd give you a laugh.

I would agree with my voice being okay. I've gotten complimented for it before though. But that was before I got bad. I went through a phase of not singing and I'm slowly breaking out of it. Now I like my voice a little.

Now Question time:

Blue, what happened to Zendaya ? Wraya how long have you wanted to be a pop star, online famous, model etc. ? Has anyone ever complimented your voices ? (That's the way to know if your voice is good)
by (165k points)
Yes, I meant favorite celeb sorry. That would be so cool like pop singer (me) meeting K-pop singer (you) and figuring out we know each other (somewhat). That would be amazing!

 I wish you guys could hear me sing too! I really want to know what other people think my voice is like and if it is a good voice. Thank you! I bet your great at singing and dancing!

 I think hip-hop would be fun, but my friend said you have to like to go up there and do your own little dance and that sounds so embarrassing! And my mom said she doesn't really want us doing sports/dance because she feels like our days would be too busy, but she wants me to exercise, and I said I wanted to do a sport or something! So, idk!

Um yes sort of! I try to record myself, but I do it on my computer and I'm always really quiet! But yes, it does sound very bad when I record myself! :(
by (165k points)

That's cool that would be amazing I really really want to meet you guys!

Thank you, yours's too! :)

I bet your dancing is very unique! And amazing!

 Well, everyone's voice is different and if you work on it, I bet you could get better!

I read somewhere that if you always compare yourself to a singer like we will use Beyonce then you will never be happy with yourself because everyone's voice is different. So, if you try to do your own thing and not exactly copy whoever you admire (not saying copying them and their style is wrong) but put your own twist on it!

This sounds like I'm talking to myself XD

Oh, I still love Zendaya she is my favorite actor just my favorite singer is Dua Lipa, and I want to be a singer not actor!  Yes, people sometimes compliment my singing and lots of people compliment my looks actually (not to brag).

Your questions!

Why do you want to be an actor, or writer?

by (68.9k points)

Thalia, Yessss! I wish I could meet you both when (if) we get famous! It'd be a dream come true. Well, I do get a ton of compliments (not tryna brag) from friends, friends' parents, and my parents, and random strangers that hear me singing while walking. Every compliment builds up my confidence, but then my brother says something mean, even without noticing (since he's a guy, not being sexist), and it all crashes down, that's why I only sing quietly when my brother is home... :(

My brother hates when I dance... He always tells me to stop doing ugly stupid stuff when I dance, when i say I'm dancing, he just says no. He says what I do isn't dancing, ugh! I bet your voice sounds pretty too, Thalia! I love to dance, but I'm not the best, better than beginners, at least.

I've been into all that since a little kid, 2 years old, I wanted to become a singer and model. When I got 4, I always sang Let It Go, and other preschool songs that I learned at school. I was so passionate! I really thought I sounded good! (I didn't, but I was cute, in my opinion) My singing voice got a lot better. I've always loved my singing though, hehe. ;P

Okay, cool! Ikr?! I wish we could all be in a musical, Thalia and me writing it, and Blue, Thalia, and me starring in it! <3

Haha! Don't worry, you're talking to us, unless we're you?! DUN-DUN! Theories are swirling around my head. LOL, I only said that to be funny, I'm not that dumb. Hip-hop is in groups most of the time. Haha! My mom and my doctor both say that I need to do a sport, and my mom says that I can do dance when we move, I guess our moms are opposite! Haha!

I feel like we're BFFs since we were little! XP

If only we were...

~ Your guys' friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

Ikr!! When every I'm singing my twin always says turn on the radio or stop singing. And my little sister is always getting complements about her singing, and I feel like I will get compared to her even more. And whenever I sing, she will say something about how I'm of tune or something! So, I feel so self-conscious! When I was little, I would put on all the jewelry and dance around the house so kind of a model. And I would sing all the time! So, I think I have potential!

 I think we should write a musical! I mean we could write one on KidzTalk! I did gymnastics at nine and that was fun! I like dancing by myself! You guys should listen to the song Better When I'm Dancing by Megan Dancer it's really good and fun to dance too! It also helps your self-consciouses.

 It's not that my mom doesn't want me to do a sport or dance, but we just have a lot going on at least this year. First my dad got really sick for 5 weeks then my Grampa. And were leaving for the beach in 9 days. Did I tell you guys were going to the beach? We're going to Destin with my Grandparents and maybe my cousin I really hope my cousin is going it would be so fun! Anyway, after that it's VBS were too old for that but were going to help. And then we have Camp and after Camp were leaving for my cousins graduating were we're going to see my new cousin for the first time and then we might go to another acting camp my uncle's theater company runs!

It does feel like we've known each other since forever! Did I tell you that at Bible study my crush gave me a thumbs up and smiled at me when I got an answer right even though we were on different teams? (We we're doing this bible came were we had boys against girls)

by (68.9k points)

I used to do gymnastics when I was 7-8, but then I quit, since the lady was so annoying. It's actually 'Better When I'm Dancing' by Meghan Trainor, I know that song, I used to listen to it a lot last year. Oooh! The Beach! I don't think you did tell us, but nice! I hope your dad and grandpa get better!

OoOoOoh! Somebody likes you!!! ;P

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Nice, Ik I just got the words mixed up! XD

Thanks, they're a lot better! Idk last night at Small Group one of his guy friends was there and they completely ignored us and called us "kids" so idk at all about him!
by (68.9k points)

That's how guys are! Honestly, if you watch a lot of movies like me, which I'm pretty sure you do, guys, even when they're dating, when they meet their friends with their gf, they act all tough and mean, that's why I don't want a bf like that, but I prob will get one like that. XP

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

True he was super nice on Sat but there was a very very very embarrassing moment, but he was very nice about it!

by (68.9k points)

What was the embarrassing moment?

by (165k points)

a-=Soo... on Sat we went to Luke (my crush) and is sister Violet's (my best friend) house to swim. we were playing Keep away with the balls. Me and Luke were throwing two balls at the same time to each other and trying to keep them away from my twin and Violet. I was running up the pool steps and Violet was trying to grab my leg but instead pulled down my swim pants right in front of Luke! He was very nice about it and suggested we play something else. And then everything we suggested he was like No, No. So, Violet and my sister started playing catch I joined in a couple mins later and Luke kept trying to steal the ball, so we asked him if he wanted to join, and we played Monkey in The Middle in the pool. But he tried to act like he would only join if we wanted him too!

by (68.9k points)

Eeek! Did he see front or back part? I mean, once, about 2 months ago, I was in my classroom bathroom (there's seriously no lock! Only a sign we flip, that says stop and go, sometimes people forget to turn it.), and this guy in my class, he asked the other guys if anyone was in there, they said no, the sign was on stop, but then again, many people forget to flip the sign, the guy didn't knock, even once, and opened the door, him and the other guys saw me, standing upwithout my pants or underwear on, I was about to pull my sweatpants up, but he opened the door, and him and the other guys saw!!! It was so embarrassing! They didn't even apologize! Well, one of them did, but only in a mocking kind of way.

At least you didn't slip on the stairs! I told you that story because I didn't want you to share an embarrassing story by yourself. <3

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
The back but he turned away as soon as she pulled them down. Ahh that would be very embarrassing! True, at least Luke was nice about it!
by (68.9k points)

Yeah! For me, it was the front... embarrassed_smile

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

Imma just say I feel you. Can't remember exactly what . But I know that happened to me. XD
by (165k points)

Ohh...That would be a lot worst sorry!

by (165k points)
Thank you! It's better if you forget the experience forever! XD
by (68.9k points)

Really?! XP

Yeah! The next 2 weeks after that incident, I didn't dare to go to my classroom bathroom, but I got used to going to my classroom bathroom again. Every time I think of what happened, I feel so embarrassed, that's why I don't think of it a lot.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Yah I feel that too.. Ugh gives me the shivers XD
by (68.9k points)

Ditto. ;P

by (165k points)
+2 votes
My sis likes it and she is wondering of you are going to continue it.

Btw ! I REALLY like it ! Like Swag said Reminds me of PJ , but in a good way !
by (68.9k points)

I'm glad to hear that! I think I will. Thank you! BTW, is your sister older or younger thank you? Everything you said in that comment means so much to me! <3

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+2 votes
by (165k points)
Wow this sounds like Percy Jackson!

I love it!

How are you so good at this!
by (68.9k points)

Thank you SO MUCH! That means a lot to me! Heh! I kinda made it be like that, but the guys will probably kinda fight over her in the end. I like that sort of love drama. Hehe. I don't know, it just comes naturally once I get an idea, but it's hard for me to get a good idea.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Your very welcome!

I mean every word!

I do love some drama!

ikr I do the same thing with songs if I have a good idea it just flows other times it's like I have to rack my brain and then the song doesn't turn out the greatest!
by (68.9k points)

IKR? <3

by (165k points)
XD lol

What I was trying to say is that sometimes a good idea for a song is just there but sometimes I have to like force my self to get an idea and then the song is not as good,
by (68.9k points)

Yeah, I totally understand, that's how it is with my stories.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
:) I hoped it was not only me!
by (68.9k points)


by (165k points)
Did you read my songs?
by (68.9k points)

I don't think I did, I'd love to though, I'll search for them!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Oh ok there called

Song #3

Song #4 ect!
by (68.9k points)

Okay! <3

by (165k points)

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