+2 votes
in Girl Talk Group by

Hello Girls, 

Let's begin. So im sure you use pads or tampons. And sleep with them on. Well, what if I told you you don't have to sleep with them on? I am not sure if a lot of you even know about the Special panties. You can just order them online. And if you do not believe me look it up.   :)

Now I better tell you that this product cannot be washed in the washing machine. You have to do something different. Now you will need to be taking a shower for a few steps

1. Spray it off real good 

2. While the waters still running ring it out in the shower. make sure your not doing it over your feet 

3. Hang them on the washcloth bar to dry 

4. Now after they've been hanging for at least 1hour or more set them in front of a heater. Let them sit for a 1 or 2 hours. 

And there you have it!!! You should try them they are so comfy!!!!!! If you got the heavy kind of it  you might want to wear a pad and the special  panties.     ;) 


Side note: you still have to wear a pad depending on how thick the panties are.

7 Answers

0 votes
by (33.5k points)
you cant promote on kidztalk
by (967k points)
Yeah you can.
by (795k points)
Promote what
+1 vote
Yeah I have some but I cam only wash them in the washing machine I can’t use the dryer, so I have a special bag I put them in.
+1 vote
by (967k points)
I don’t even know what the what you’re talking about…
+1 vote
by (44.0k points)
Yup I have a few! I usually rinse em out in the sink or in the shower if I’m gonna take one!

I don’t dry them in front of a heater I put them in a wet-dry bag until “it“ is over (after I wash out “the stuff”) then I ask my mom to wash them in the washing machine and put them through the dryer
by (266k points)
I'm jealoussssss.
by (44.0k points)
+1 vote
by (230k points)
I have em.

Haven’t started “it” yet though
0 votes
by (547k points)
Thank you queen cat!

I actually know about those but they are expensive lol
by (28.9k points)
I love ur new pfp so cute!!!
+1 vote
by (206k points)
I own those they are pretty cool


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