+6 votes
in Fiction by (52.6k points)
I know there is already an Art Contest going on, but I got only two entries...

Start writing an amazing story!!

You can write any story!!

A short, or long story!!

Adventure, or Magic!!


Prizes -

First place: A shout-out, A drawing of your choice, an upvote and Best Answer in two of my questions (if you've answered)

2nd place: A shout out, upvote, drawing

3rd place: shout out, drawing
I'm joining!!!!! (3 votes, 50%)
I cant join (3 votes, 50%)
I have a doubt about the contest (plz coment) (0 votes)
I'll write soon, (0 votes)
what shall i write (plz coment) (0 votes)
Hi, Reader!! (just for fun) (0 votes)

2 Answers

+1 vote


I have no memory of what has happened to me. All I know is that I woke up in some sort of laboratory--- No, not Laboratory more of a Wizard Room--- And I Couldn't move .I still Can't.

 Looking around me, I see two shelves. Books are on one shelf,and ingredients--- on the other. The room is dusty,and ancient-looking. like from a castle in a storybook. A young man strolls in the room, and following him, a odd odor fills the room. The man, in his twenties, causally grabs a book and some red feathers and green scales. seemingly unaware that I was there gets to work mixing and stirring At one Point, He pours this awful smelling red goop into his cauldron.

  " Let's let that sit , sister. " He says to me, his eyes gleaming with this wicked glint, . " Soon enough, sister, soon enough."  I try to speak. All that comes out is a small grunt. I try to speak again . Nothing. Again I try to speak, but the more I speak the more it feels like I will choke. "No use trying. "  He says " The Hanakist spell keeps you dormant --- your body becomes paralyzed, your mouth can't move, and your mind becomes dormant. The more you try to resist the more the spell fights. Already the spell is wearing of. Which means I am going to have to do ----," Swiftly he seizes a wand, and the next thing I know each hand and each foot is held by this glowing black rope. "That." He leaves the room.

Now that I think about my body had felt tense when I had awoken. Every passing minute my body feels looser and looser, like a weight had been lifted. Looks like that Hannaninny curse has worn of. I shake my head and my ginger red hair falls in my face . Oh great, my nose iches !  The black ropes are, of course, magic. I Think. A spark of imagination burns inside of my, and fills me with  hope. I feel my wrists and ankles burning. It is time to put my plan into action.

I shout as loud as I can, hoping to get someone's attention. I hear barely hear footsteps but they're there. 

" What is this racket ! " A  acctented voice Shouts. Not the person I wanted. The voice gets closer then a man barges in . 

"Hey ! ," I ask  "Do you know how to cast a spell ? " The burning sensation was getting stronger by the minute .

"I'm not supposed to be here." he says as a sly grin forms on his face." Look at all this stuff . You want out don't you." I nod. He crispy says to me " What makes you think I would do that for you. After all your a prisoner to Kadis "

"That's his name, I interrupt " neat . Now can you get me out of here !" 

"You put a lot of trust in a man you just met ." he says.

"Anything to get me out." I say desperately.

"Fine ," He says casting a spell breaking the ropes. "If you have to be bothersome about it.I follow you ." 

"Like I said 'Anything to get me out' ." 

 He casts a spell that forms a those same black ropes as a rope. I climb down and he follows me. We run into the woods

I think these thoughts,  "Where was I ? What was my life before this ? Who is Kadis ? Who am I ? " 


by (99.7k points)

drool uh, wow.

Is that good or bad ?
by (99.7k points)
Really good
Thank you !
by (68.9k points)

No offense to all the other people participating in this competition, but I think that Thalia is going to win. I mean, Thalia, you're so talented!!!

BTW, is this kind of like the story that you want to do a writing co-op on?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3


Thank you ! This means a ton to me . although its not the best.

Yeah . or about Kids superheroes and what you want !  meowla

by (68.9k points)

Okay, no problem! I'm going to add on to your story 'Captured', if you're okay with it.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

Ok !
+2 votes
I,all probably have the story done by tomorrow
by (52.6k points)
Or not . sorry my grandparents are coming to stay with us for the weekend so we have Been getting the house cleaned.

I might not have time to get on KS let alone write a story.
by (52.6k points)
No problem!  Post it when you're free! :)

I'll Post it next weekend grin

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