+4 votes
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I need to know how to break up with my girlfriend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so me and her have been dating for 3months now and she is not the best girlfriend she is always flirting with other people. I get her gifts and she does not give me anything she is always ignoring me and calls me names  not like idiot but like the b word . And tells me what to wear  .   I tried to break up my her and she told every one that I was a cheater so I had to pretend it was a prank also I am only 10 and not ready for a relationship and my mum does not know  how.do I break up with her ps  I am a girl  but I don't think I am lesbian.

Awww...That's so sad. I feel really bad for you, bro. Nobody that loves you or genuinely cares about you would call you names or flirt in front of your eyes or not return your gifts. Just tell her how you genuinely feel or tell her you both need a break. Wishing you the best of luck :D
Just tell her “I’m done with you, I don’t think I like girls and don’t think that this is the best thing for me.”

5 Answers

0 votes
by (28.9k points)
break up with her your true friends will stay by you no matter what and always believe you everyone else isn't a real friend so why should opinion matter to u  you should be pressured into something you don't, especially if it's to date a girl when you're not lesbian u got this I believe in u btw sorry I am late.
0 votes
by (34.7k points)
awww. first of all, i’m so sorry this happened to you. i got in a weird relationship with another girl at 11 secretly, (i’m straight btw) and she manipulated me and ended up forcing me to transfer to a different school in the middle of the year. just try to be as honest if at all possible, and tell her you don’t like how she is treating you. if it’s not possible, tell her you’re just not ready for a relationship yet. i hope it all works out for you!

all the best,

lewie ❤️
0 votes
by (13.0k points)
I understand, I am lesbian, I would talk to her and tell her your feelings! I am here for you!
just say we sould see other people.
0 votes
by (214k points)
Girl you need to break up with her! Tell her you just aren't ready to date right now! She doesn't sound like a very nice person so maybe tell her she needs to be nicer to you or you can't be friends anymore!
0 votes
by (550k points)
Just say "I think we should see other people" or "I think we should take a break" or something like that.
Thanks so much I am going to break up with her tomorrow thanks again
by (550k points)

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