+5 votes
in Debate by

WARNING this is for the emetephobics, so I'm just warning them that this post contains vomiting.

chapter eight

Freya's lost days

The days passes, as they always did. On one day, one of Freya's beds flew onto Madison's face, and it stuck there like glue. On another day, Freya managed to cough in Brandon's face while meowing. On yet another, the Tomblins took Freya back to the vet. Brandon called.

''And we'll be, um--'' the woman coughed once, bravely ''--right back.''

''All right, thank you.'' Brandon hung up.

A  new woman came out of the wooden building. her long straight hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. Her name was Carol Jackson. She and Brandon had a conversation about Freya.

''She has a snotty nose--'' Brandon said.

''Snotty, OK. Sneezing, OK.'' Carol said. Freya's carrier left the ground and was carried into the building. The familiar barking sound filled the air. Carol shot her. The smell of smoke filled the air. Freya coughed slightly. The door opened, and she almost sneezed when the smell of dandelions shot into the room. It's OK, Freya, she told herself.

When they got home, Freya found Jane running up to her, in tears.

''Where h-have you b-been'' sobbed Jane. Her brother was here, too, also teary.

''I've missed you so much.'' he sniffed.

''Sorry, guys,'' Freya told them, ''but my mommies think I'm sick.'' Sam's lower lip shuddered, and he started to sob. Hands clamped down on Freya and was put on Brandon's leg.

''This is not a pill, I promise.'' cried Madison. She pumped the ''medicine'' into Freya's mouth. The taste was so bad that she retched all over Brandon's pants. Frances screamed in horror and disgust, while her mother just laughed in terror at her. Freya gagged. She coughed, trying to swallow that disgusting foamy stuff. She threw up again, this time in Madison's face.

''WHAT'S GOING ON'' cried a voice. Samwise had come to rescue her.

''Samwise.'' choked Freya. ''My mommies are trying to choke me with this disgusting foam that they think is medicine.''

''Ugh.'' Sam coughed out.

Brandon put Freya back in her cage. She sat there, whimpering about her memory of Madison pumping foam into her mouth. She fell asleep, still thinking about Madison. She dreamed, not about Madison.

In her dream, she was at a kitty park, and Frances was walking her around.

Freya woke up, smiling. She was three pounds again, not two.

Two weeks later, Freya went to the vet again. Brandon called the vet. Ashlyn Jones came to get Freya. Her carrier left the ground and into the building. Dogs barked and barked and barked. Ashlyn wrote on a sheet of paper

Name Freya

Birthday July 29th

I finally know when my birthday is, thought Freya.

Three weeks later, Freya went to the vet yet again. A new woman caught her attention. She had blond hair pulled back into a bun. Her name was Abby Brown. Se carried Freya into the building. Abby gave Freya a couple of shots so that she was sore everywhere.
When they got home, Freya was still sore. She groaned. Madison let her play even though she was in pain.
The next day, the pain was almost completely gone.
The next day, Freya had diarrhea, like, she just went Fzzn-uffn-pffn-sass. According to the Tomblins, it sounded like someone was trying to squirt pudding out of a water gun. They laughed so hard at it. Madison kept making that sound in her daughter's face, and she would just scream with laughter. Frances said, ''That got me thinking about that dream when you said, 'The dragon just went pff. into smoke.''' Madison giggled at that. Then she spat in Frances'es face and she almost coughed when the spit hit her face. Disgusting.
''What's going on'' called a voice. It was Nippet's brother, Melman, a pretty orange tabby with gold eyes.
''The humans are making fun of me.'' Freya managed to choke out.
''That's horrible.'' wailed Melman. He burst into tears and ran off without another word.







1 Answer

+2 votes
these hoomans are so rude :<
Kind of.

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