+12 votes
in Preteen /Tween Club by (34.7k points)

Help me!!!!! I think I'm about to have a period and I have SO many questions!! Does it hurt? Should I wear pads or tampons???? T_TT_T Please answer me!!!!!!!!

Wear pads to start, you can't feel it, if you have it in your underwear wash it out with cold water.

17 Answers

+4 votes
by (153k points)
Best answer
Hi, Welshterriersss!

I have had mine, so I can offer a little advice.

1 - It hurts A LOT for me, I get really bad cramps, but it didn't for my first couple times. If it hurts for you, I reccoment painkillers and/or a hot water bottle/heated stuffed animal. Also, tea helps, I love tea. It can be sweet or unsweet. Lying in the fetal position or just curled up in a ball can help too.

2 - start with pads. Tampons can be pretty confusing/ scary the first time, and I personally have never used one. Wait 'till you're older.

3 - calm down. Stress can make the pain worse, and though it is a little scary the first time, you get used to it and it really becomes just more of an inconvenience. When you get it, just muster all your courage and tell a trusted adult that you got it. If you're at school, just tell your teacher that you need a cough drop, and go ask your school nurse. Change your pad every 2-5 hours, or whenever you feel like you need to.
by (34.7k points)
Thank you!!!
by (153k points)
np, you can ask me anything!
by (34.7k points)
Oh and now my mom’s my teacher, I’ll tell her about the cough drop thing so the boys in my class (yeah, they’re kind of... immature) don’t laugh.
by (153k points)
If anybody in my class needs anything from the nurse or just an excuse, we ask for a cough drop XD
by (34.7k points)
Cool. XD. Imma start trying that, LOL.
0 votes
Ok I have had my period quite a few times now so I am happy to answer any questions you have.

Ok it definitely doesn't hurt, but you will be getting cramps and if yours is like mine you will spend most of your time in the bathroom if you are homeschooled or when you are home. To help with the cramps you can eat Dark chocolate.

Ok so yes you will definitely need pads, I only wear pads I am a little scared to even try tampons. But if you wear tampons you can swim though. And there are some special panties that are thicker than regular ones, You can buy these special panties at Walmart. And there is a herbal medicine called shepherds purse that will help shorten and make your periods easier to deal with. I'd highly recommend it!

Ok if you have anymore questions I will try to answer best I can.


Queen cat
0 votes
by (13.9k points)
I haven't had my period, but of course you need tampons or pads!!!!! And I think I've heard from some1 on here that you should wear dark pants on your period so the blood doesn't show that much.
+1 vote
by (2.3k points)


You don't need to be scared. Periods aren't that bad. It just shows that your growing up.


So periods do hurt. This is called Period Cramps. It really does depend. If you just started, it wouldn't hurt.


Personally, I recommend wearing pads, pads are more comfortable. Tampons are normally used by older kids. (16+)

What is a period?

A period refers to the part of the menstrual cycle when a woman experiences bleeding from her privates. It typically happens once a month, and lasts for a few days, however, it varies from person to person.

When will I get my period?

Most girls start getting signs of their first period and start menstruating between 11 and 14 years old, but it could happen any time between age eight and 16. Remember that everyone is different, so a normal age for your friends might not be the same for you. You’ll have periods until you’re around 50 years old when you start something called the menopause. That’s when your body stops menstruating.

What’s the average age to start your period?

The average age for starting periods is around 12 years of age, but that doesn’t mean that if you start before or after this age that you should worry! It can be difficult, especially if your friends have already started their periods and you haven’t yet. Everyone starts when their own body is ready, and there is no way to change when you will start.

What are the signs of your first period?

You know those changes we were talking about? If you’ve started growing hair in private areas and if you’ve noticed a white discharge in your underwear, then it won’t be long before your body experiences its first period. When it starts, you might also experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This causes symptoms like period pain (cramps in your tummy), moodiness, bloating, backache, weight gain and skin break outs.

What does your first period look like?

When you first start your period, it may only be light (meaning a small amount) and pink, brown or black in color. On heavy days, period blood tends to be bright red and can include menstrual clots – these are just gel-like blobs made of blood cells, tissue from the lining of the uterus and proteins that are found in blood.

How long does your first period last?

The average time to bleed is between four or five days, but your period could last from three to eight days. Again, everyone’s different. Your period is part of your menstrual cycle, which starts on day one of bleeding and ends the day before your next period begins. The average cycle is 28 days but it may be shorter or longer.

How much period blood is normal?

It might seem like there’s a lot of blood, but it’s probably no more than two to three tablespoons. It’s normal to bleed more heavily in the first few days of your period.

Go on always.com to learn more. There will be a girl on the right side whom you can chat to about your period if you have more questions. My period (always.co.uk)



+1 vote
I know this is an old question but i really suggest tampons, they allow so much more freedom and are less uncomfortable. They can be scary but you’ll get used to them quickly. As for the pain thing, everyone is different but usually there is quite a bit of cramping. Like i said before, i know this is old but i wanted to answer anyway.
by (34.7k points)
Lol thanks! It’s not a crime to respond to old posts!
by (3.4k points)
+2 votes
by (14.5k points)
This is new tips for girls that have periods so bad that they start crying and vomiting, like me:

1. "YOOOGAAAA". Positions that will help ease your cramps. BruH I tried this a few months ago when I was vomiting and icing where the cramps were and LEMME SAY, IT REALLY WORKED. You can search up period yoga, it seriously, SERIOUSLY HELPS.

I noticed a lot of girls on this forum say their period did not hurt. Haha, doesn't mean yours won't! Mine feels like someone jabbed a prickly sword into my uterus, + the vomit. Some girls are even admitted to the hospital over period pains. I've been having my period for three years, so lemme say.. the pain progresses as time goes on. If it doesn't hurt now, it might hurt later :)


Point is, PERIIOOODDD YOOOGGGAAAAAAA. Oh, and also, DONT LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE SAYING IT WONT HURT. ITS DIFFERENT FOR ALL GIRLS. SERIOUSLY. To picture it: I have a really high pain tolerance. My period cramps are a 10/10 on the pain scale.
by (34.7k points)
Lol I can relate now… I have terrible cramps
+1 vote
by (3.1k points)

pads thumbs_up

+1 vote
You should start with pads, honestly the pain depends on the person. It rarely hurts when I,m having a period .Tips ,wear black or dark colors ( if you accidentally leak it won,t show up).
+1 vote
+2 votes
by (34.7k points)
Thanks, guys! My friend  needs this now.... Imma tell her about it! Love y’all!


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