+11 votes
in Ask Luna, Anything! by (165k points)
New advice column, feel free to post questions... pretty much anything you need help with... yeah, I don't really know what to say just go post a question please.
hi luna! i have a problem I just found out i was adopted what do I do

by (165k points)
I can see where that would be troubling. As long as your parents love you, does it honestly matter whether you're their biological child or not?

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (284k points)
Best answer
0 votes
Well, I'm transgender, but I don't know how to come out to my parents. Can you just give me some tips? Thanks!
by (165k points)
Test the waters a bit to figure out what they think of LGBTQ, specifically trans for your case. If they view it positively, go ahead, there is no reason to be scared. If only one does, talk to them and you two can come up with a plan to tell the other. If neither parent sees it positively or they view it negatively, just try to come out with caution. Sit down with whatever parent seems most supportive of you and try to explain the best you can. And again, you two can come up with a plan to tell the other parent. Either way, if they are okay with it or if there is a chance they aren't, just be yourself. If others don't support that part of you, learn to support yourself. Don't change for others. If you are trans, you can own that without the support of others.
0 votes
by (5.1k points)
+5 votes
by (448k points)
+3 votes
by (1.34m points)
I will ask!


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