+11 votes
in General News by
Should he? Or should he not? HE DOESN 'T EVEN BELIEVE IN GLOBEL WARMING!
by (75.6k points)
The earth has been warming up for thousands of years. Idk why they are acting like this is some "new" thing.
by (1.34m points)
lol you don't believe in global warming?
by (284k points)
Yeah lol
He also told someone on the supreme court to go back where you came from when she grew up in NYC

9 Answers

0 votes
This guy's got somthin wrong in his head.
+1 vote
Definitely! Did you see the comment about gone with the wind and parasite? That was so racist!

he doesn’t believe in climate change! I mean, this guy has serious problems .
+1 vote
by (75.6k points)
I don't think this is Luna, she never speaks about politics, or global warming...and she also knows how to spell global.
by (40.3k points)
+1 vote
by (137k points)
Is this a fake? It doesn't sound like something Luna would ask. It seems like this person is just trying to start controversy :/
+2 votes
Well, first of all, I don't support Trump. I hope he would lose the 2020 elections.
But when you say ''kicked out'', it sounds kinda offensive. He's the president currently, after all.
I think he should think about global warming and declare climate change an emergency, though.
by (1.7k points)
what do you mean by offensive? It's so odd. I'm just confused by your wording because that makes no sense.
by (34.7k points)
JD means that isn’t respectful to say “kicked out”. Trump is the current president, so we should have some respect.
by (1.34m points)
Trump doesn't respect use so why should I respect him?? Hmmmmmm... Interesting!
by (1.7k points)
It still doesn't make sense but I get it
+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
Yes, he should! He does not represent the republican party; a party that is good at heart but has a bad leader.
by (75.6k points)
by (1.34m points)
You are biased too. they asked my opinion and I gave it
We are all biased
by (1.34m points)
you're spitting truth
by (284k points)
Yeah everyone us so biased, we shouldbl just look at the facts
+3 votes
by (75.6k points)
No, no one should be removed from the white house if they have a belief. At least in my opinion.
by (1.34m points)
Trump has done way more worse than have a belief
by (1.7k points)
His job is to have an opinion. It literally is. So his opinions affect everyone in the U.S. So if their opinion is really bad and harmful, then they should be removed from office. His immigration policy is so bad that it is removing children from their families. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/why-hundreds-of-migrant-children-remain-separated-from-their-parents  That is just one example. I honestly think he should because he is a bad president but it doesn't matter anymore because he lost.
+2 votes
by (415k points)
Is this Luna or a poser because Luna isn't that big on politics so it doesn't sound like something she would say...


Anyways nope XD
by (75.6k points)
yeah that's what I thought....she never talks about politics.
Yup Luna is registered but this person isn't so it has chance to be a poser but who knows if it's back up?!.
+4 votes
by (284k points)
My personal opinion is: No he shouldn't be removed... And he doesn't believe global warming cuz its fake XD
by (153k points)
YoU tHiNk GlObAl WaRmInG iS fAkE?
by (1.34m points)
it's not fake...
What did you say? Global warming is fake!? :/
by (1.34m points)
I can't believe that people actually think obvious science is fake!
by (415k points)
Look, let me "defend" Princess's statement. Global warming has been happening since forever, globally seasons change after years then they were before. When I was little, the sun was a bright yellow, now it's much whiter. Anyways, as times go on, it's required for it to happen, and it doesn't really mean anything but we still have to be good people, not because "were all gonna die." So, I don't really believe in the Global Warming argument as it is factually invalid. Global warming is not really fake, just not what we think it is.
by (284k points)
Calm Down Please! I was joking
by (415k points)
that was quick lol
by (1.34m points)
You have to cite sources for this argument knight...
by (415k points)
Lol Okay simple,

Watch the whole thing
by (153k points)
I believe knight, but I also believe we need to SaVe ThE tUrTlEs!


and lol PrincessKittens that escalated quickly
by (284k points)
by (1.34m points)

youtube is not a "source"

use a government website
by (153k points)
can we not fight? please?
by (284k points)
OMG when I saw that comment my mouth literally fell open.. wow.. umm yeah XD
by (415k points)
k but like did u watch it. she's not a YouTuber.
Climate change is not fake!! Seriously. #actnow
by (34.7k points)
Mhm. It’s been happening for thousands of years and they think it’s going to annihilate the world. It won’t for many years.
by (1.34m points)
this discussion is over.
by (34.7k points)
Oofie, I know, just adding on.
by (1.7k points)
You can't downplay global warming when California is experiencing its worst fires ever because it's getting too hot out or the coral reefs BLEACHING and facing extinction because the ocean is getting too hot for them to survive. While greenhouse gases are natural and easily fixed by nature being nature, 6,870 tonnes of carbon dioxide was released in one year (https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/climate-change-indicators-us-greenhouse-gas-emissions#:~:text=In%202014%2C%20U.S.%20greenhouse%20gas,pounds)%20of%20carbon%20dioxide%20equivalents.) by one nation is just insane. Literal scientists who study climate, estimate that in 20 years, the effects will be irreversible and we would have permanently doomed the world(https://www.nrdc.org/onearth/climate-scientists-world-we-have-only-20-years-theres-no-turning-back) you need to open your eyes some more bruh
by (1.34m points)
by (34.7k points)
It isn’t flarfing new. It’s been happening for thousands of years, bruh.
by (34.7k points)
And then you cheer on someone who has the same beliefs, but you told me “This discussion is over.”. Biased much?
by (1.34m points)
Don't downplay global warming. That's a horrible thing to do
by (1.7k points)
Yes, it has been happening naturally for thousands of years, however, it has never been to this scale. Ever heard of the carbon cycle? Nature can deal with C02 emissions but not 32 billion metric tonnes a year. It's ridiculous that you are so unwise. We are giving it too much to handle, so eventually, in a decade or two, it is just going to collapse in on itself. 1961 is when burning fossil fuels for electricity became the major fuel for the U.S. so it is very recent and it is already going to ruin the world. So no, it hasn't been around for thousands of years. Global Warming isn't a joke, it is our biggest problem at hand, and yet a lot of people act like it is a hoax and not to be taken seriously.
by (34.7k points)
I don’t think it’s a hoax, I just think we don’t need the Green New Deal. Also, it won’t “ruin” the world for a while.
by (1.7k points)
Bro, listen to what I am saying. Global warming has been happening, but not to this scale. Do you think 32 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions released into the air a year is natural? If so, you are insane, you literally are because you aren't listening to facts and are a lot more biased than you think. Do you even know how greenhouse gases would increase the global temperature? Because it sounds like you don't know a single thing on the topic. Greenhouse gases trap the sun's energy in the atmosphere by redirecting it back to earth which heats it up. So you think that adding billions of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere a year over the span of decades wouldn't greatly change the world in the near future?
by (1.34m points)
What is wrong with the green new deal????
by (1.7k points)
Nothing is wrong with the green new deal. Its goal is to transition from the burning of fossil fuels and lower global greenhouse gas emissions by using renewable and clean energy. The only thing that Republicans have with the problem is how much it will cost which they highly overexaggerate and some dumb other ones. Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/21/climate/green-new-deal-questions-answers.html
by (34.7k points)
NY Times is a biased site.
by (1.7k points)
and??? That's still a lot better than you. You haven't even shared a single link yet. Not on any of your other posts either like on global warming or whatnot.
by (1.34m points)
Fox news is biast and that is where you get your news welsh
by (34.7k points)
It’s not any better than CNN, where you get your news from.
by (1.7k points)
he is true right now, fox news and CNN are notoriously known for being biased. The best way to get factual information is from articles published under trusted sources as I do.

Where does that electricity come from? FOSSIL FUELS! If everyone went electric, solar panels and windmills wouldn't supply it all. So... you want to ride a bike everywhere you go?

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