+9 votes
in LGBTQIA Club by

Hello other LGBT+ peeps (includes allies)!

  1. What is your sexuality/gender identity?
  2. Are you ‘out’?
  3. What are your coming out stories?
  4. What has it been like for you at home?
  5. What has it been like at school?
  6. What has it been like at your place of worship?
  7. Have you ever been to Pride?
  8. Do you like hedgehogs?
PS. I know the last one is slightly irrelevant lol
PPS. I will reply to my own question with my answers...
1. I’m straight (girl) and has no *crushes*






by (680 points)
  1. I'm Non-Binary(Think I feel trans) And I use They/Them/There's
  2. I came out but it didn't go as planned so I'm gonna re-try
  3. So I was in the vehicle with my mother and we were at the gas station. I had asked to stay for the GSA(Gay-Straight-Alliance club.) Actually, I had come out late and she had questioned why. I said I wanted to stay for the club. And that's when I poured it out. So it didn't work she didn't understand well.
  4. My mom kinda just ignores it and still calls me by the pronouns I don't use and thinks i'm still just straight.
  5. Really good my friends understand although they use the FG word They always say 'No Homo" I don't know.
  6. Our church is very homophobic and for a minute I thought my mother was going to ship me off for help. she talked about it a lot...
  7. No, but I want to. I also wanna go to a drag race but my mom is insistent that I mean drag race as in vehicles...
  8. And yes the babies are so adorableeee
1 im pansexual poly and trans i wanna be a boy

2 nah

3 bad

4 my dads homophobic and my mom dosent belive in my sexuality

5 bad

6 pretty good

7 no

8 yes i do
  1. I'm bi and a girl 
  2. Yes I am 
  3. I'm adopted by gsy dads that are now divorced 
  4. It's chill 
  5. I've held hands with 2 girls both at different times both my ex's 
  6. Don't have one
  7. No but I would like too
  8. Yes their cute 

11 Answers

+2 votes
by (43.0k points)
Best answer
1. I a a lesbian girl, though I have only had 1 crush (a girl).

2. Kind of. With some of my friends, including one who's parents are homophobics. Ugh.

3. I don't really have one. I kind of told my friends, in a really awkward way. They mostly accepted me.

4. I have come out to my mom-ish. So at home we don't really talk about it, since I am 11 and am apparently 'Too Young' (I'm turning 12 in 4 months!)

5. Most people don't talk about it too much. I can't WAIT for high school love lives *saracasm*

6. My family isn't very religious, so I don't have to worry about that. We pray to god and stuff, since my parents grew up at church, but we don't go almost at all.

7. No, I haven't. I want to go a lot though!!!

8. YESSSS they are ADORABLE!!
Boy do I wish being LGBTQ+ were okay in the bible.
by (11.0k points)
I'm Jewish. I wish being bi and being part of te LGBTQ+ community was okay in the Torah.

(I'm Bi)
0 votes
1: Still questioning, thinking pansexual, she/her, I think I might be masculine?

2: Nope… I’m a frying pan in the closet LOL

3: Don’t really have one… I did come out to my bestie recently. She’s okay with it. She said, “I want a boyfriend…” and under my breath I said “I think I want a girlfriend…” but she heard me and said “WOOOOOOOAH!” So I had to explain.

4: Stressful. Got fighting parents. But my dad ain’t homophobic

5: Boringgggggg. Again, came out to my bestie, my other friend who believes she’s asexual knows already

6: I don’t have a place of worship

7: No

0 votes
by (11.0k points)
1. I'm a bi girl, with no crushes right now she/her pronouns


3. good





8. Only cute tiny hedgehogs
0 votes

1. I'm questioning rn

2. To my friends and online not to family

3. I don't really have any most of my friends just knew already

4. loud and some fights

5. We are doing science. It's cool.

6. My dad's church has been trying to be more welcoming ( both my mom and dad are pastors)

7. No Im in fifth grade

8.Erinaceinae are awesome

0 votes
by (13.0k points)
  1. Im lesbian and use she/her pronouns
  2. No
  3. normal. But I am always dieing inside because I haven’t come out
  4. Okay i guess most of my friends are supportive 
  5. Well my family is christen but I am not
  6. No but I would LOVE TOO
  7. YES
0 votes
by (12.9k points)
sry if im not supposed to answer (im straight):

1. straight

2. yes? i mean, ive come out as straight, so im not sure

3. ummmm, ive just always liked boys?

4. bad, my parents have the world's highest expectations

5. horrible, i get bullied a bunch and have to be a mean girl to fit in

6. ummmm, im atheist?

7. no

8. i luv hedgehogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 votes
by (550k points)





Not applicable


+1 vote
by (153k points)
1- Ally!

2- don’t think there’s an “out” for an ally.

3- don’t got none!

4- I love my fam! I don’t really think they know i’m an ally, they’re very Catholic but they believe that everyone deserves love!

5- I have a best-friend who is bi, i’ve heard that it’s been awkward for her, and I feel bad but I haven’t had any trouble.

6- Fine! Idk if they care that I’m an ally, lol

7- nyope, not my thing, no offense. I’d rather go to Anthrocon!



2- for being a furry- it’s not a sexuality but it has some of the same problems.

1- Furry!

2- To most people, yes.

3- Well, to my parents, it was rather quiet. I was making my birthday wishlist and I put fursuit on the top, she asked me what that was, and I told her about furry ness! At school, most awkward has been when my science teacher mentioned furries randomly and my friends looked at me and my eventually my whole class looked at me, just sunk down lower in my big black hoodie, lol. My science teacher actually came up to me and apologized after, XD

4- Great! They understand me completely, and I’m in the midway stages of commissioning a fursuit with my mom’s help. I might be going to a fur convention this halloween if the Corona subsides.

5- A W K W A R D. There have been multiple sittations in which someone mentions furries and the WHOLE ROOM looks at me, lol. I get embarrassed for a little while, but then I remember that this is me, and if they don’t like it it ain’t my problem.

6- As far as I know, my religion doesn’t have a problem with furs!

7- Cons are like Pride for furries, I am planning to attend one on Halloween but it will probably be cancelled.

+2 votes
by (82.8k points)
1. I’m a cisgender female, and I’m biiiii!

2. Yeah, I’m out of the closet, it was getting hot in there

3. So, in Nov I “ came out” to both parents, but they didn’t really seem to process it. Then, like, three weeks ago, me and mom had a conversation where I told her I was bi again, and she actually processed it, she supports me, yay! In conclusion, I haven’t really come out to my dad, he prob won’t know until I bring home a girlfriend, lol.

4. At home it’s not different at all. Yesterday I was talking to mom about pride, tho!

5. It’s not really different at school.

6. I’m not religious, but my grandparents are, and I haven’t come out to them, I guess I will the same way I will with dad.

7. I’ve been to pride once, when I was 8, I didn’t really know what it was, and we weren’t there for long. Also I wasn’t out. So, imma consider this years pride my first pride.

8. And, yes, hedgehogs are adorable!
+2 votes
by (12.9k points)

Lesbian cigender female

Online and at school yes.

Online- https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/42581/the-secret?show=42581#q42581. At school, my friends were bisexual and asked me what my sexuality was and I said "Gay". Then other people were told and now everyone at school knows I'm gay.

My parents and brother don't know, so good.

People just don't care.

I have never been to a place of worship outside of girl scout slumber parties.

No, but good cookies I'd like to.



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