+11 votes
in Fanfiction by (14.5k points)

DISC + NOTE : Harry Potter is a fictional realm made by JK Rowling. However, the characters mentioned are all original characters. This is a fanfiction prequel to Silens I, something me and GemHeart started in 2018. 

This is a co author with @ GemHeart


When the boat floated on into Hogwarts, drenching a few new yearers, I heard the blasting sound of the Hogwarts bell. The sky was a deep, curdling night sky that fell over each of the students walking on land. The Hogwarts teachers strictly had the new yearers follow them—each of the teachers draped in long black robes, their eyes on the 11-year-olds with pungent glares.

Once inside, I could smell roasted meats and parchment. We were in the dining hall for the new students to get sorted into their houses. A warm atmosphere was created by the oranges spread over by the lanterns. It illuminated the entire dining room. I was sorted into Ravenclaw a year before—a house bubbling with smart, confident, and witty students. I always found myself shaking hands with the Slytherins though. Many of them had a taste in picking on.

The first-time students each had a shocked expression glaze their faces when they saw the inside of the magical Hogwarts. Some had been inspiring this moment their entire lives, others in disbelief that Hogwarts is where they are meant to be. They started to hurdle around tables, waiting to be called by the sorting hat. Me and my sister, Columbia, went to our usual spots. She held my collar, pulling me to where we should sit. I saw the same youthful girl with bright green eyes at the front, staring at the hat with anticipation carved over her pale face lit up by the yellow lights.

Names were called over and over again. Every time a name was called, I felt the same feeling I felt last year—brittles of anxiety. I heard Columbia giggle at some of the students’ expressions. “What’s so funny?” I asked her, staring at into her brown and grey eyes. They were like mine, but mine were mostly filled with grey, brown tarnished the center. She opened her mouth with a wide smile. “Nothin’ really. It’s just that every time the sorting hats starts to mutter the house or his remarks, the student faces burn up.” She replied, whipping up her husky laughter. The russet brown hat called a name that ran my ears.


The hat yelped, the small green-eyed girl walking up. The rusty hat was placed on her gently. It started to wiggle around.


It declared, the girl making way to our table. I could hear a loud groan escape Columbia ruddy lips. “Oh no. Now she’s going to bother you for sure.” Said Columbia in a low whisper, her breath tickling my ear.

“You’re right.” I replied to her, my eyes impaling on her. She had a bright smile slit on her face. The other Ravenclaws cheered lowly—their cheers were not like Hufflepuff or Gryffindor cheers. Sitting down, she made eye contact with me for a split second.

A lean tabby cat trailed behind her, rubbing it’s body on the girl named Lylth. That was the name I could recall from that hat. Lylth opened her mouth wide— “Down!” She yelped in a whisper, the cat making room on the Ravenclaw table. My nose started to frill up. Oh no. I’m allergic to cats.

“Look,” hissed Columbia into my ear, “Every year there’s that one new student that bugs me.” My eyes stopped on her. Columbia was so close to me that her brown, silk loosely curled hair fell over my shoulder. “I know. Remember two years ago you sent a letter to me about that boy from Manchester? Now he’s your mate, right?” I groaned softly, resting my head on the palm of my hand. To admit, I was a bit scared of Columbia. She’s my sister, though she towers over me. After all—she’s 5’8 and I’m a wee little 5’4. That contributes to my fear of her. “No, he’s not North.” She said back, leaning her hand into her palm too.



The night progressed into the time where we would enter our common rooms. I knew where to go already, and Columbia knew far better than me. With other Ravenclaw students behind us, we dozed off into the west side of Hogwarts. We were under dusty stone stairs spiraling off. I could hear the sounds of Ravenclaw students groaning from the idea the common room was on the fifth floor.

Once we were on the fourth, I could already hear the pants of new-years. And once we were on the fifth, the pant hardened into pleasure. “Here—” said the professor. A beautiful bronze knob lied in front of us all. The professor banged it lightly, leading us into the blue room with plenty of seats. The professor then left, leaving it up to us.

I saw the scrawny girl from earlier let her cat down, taking in the sights. I hoped with all my might Columbia wouldn’t start talking to her. But all my might didn’t help much. Columbia sped up to her with a smile, avoiding all the other students lounging.

“Hi! I see, you are new here. If you need help, I’ll be here, it’s my last year after all.” She stood her hand out from her black robe for the girl to shake. “And my brother’s going on his second year. Perhaps you two should be friends?” Columbia added, her eyes on me.

Hello,” I said back.

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