+10 votes
in Fanfiction by (14.5k points)

  DISC + NOTE : Harry Potter is a fictional realm made by JK Rowling. However, the characters mentioned are all original characters. This is a fanfiction prequel to Silens I, something me and GemHeart started in 2018.
Co author w/ @ GemHeart





I was in my room. Turns out I would share a room with three other unruly boys. Only one was here though—he I knew since last year, and he was a third yearer. And his name was Oscar, a pureblood, though he never kept that identity like the Slytherins. Both of us shared a bunk bed: I was on the bottom; he was on the top. I had a letter lying on my lap, my feet dangling from the bed. The letter had a crimson seal on the middle of it, patiently waiting to get peeled off and the parchment paper had a yellow tint on it and looked to be stained with coffee. I slowly started to open it up—the paper making a loud crinkling sound.

“North! Is it a love letter or from your mama?” I could hear Oscar remark. He throwed one of his legs over the bunk, falling right by my head. His pasty leg was stung with red spots. Sighing, I replied in a calm, honest tone. “Maybe my mother’s.”

I swiped the letter out to see the blank ink smeared on the sides. And of course, beautiful cursive handwriting set on the paper’s center. That handwriting was obviously my mothers.

Dear North,

I cannot believe you left without cleaning your room. There’s your post

cards littered everywhere. And your clothes decorated around your room!

You’re no muggle boy—your father may be one, but I wont allow you to

keep such trinkets laying about. And foremost, thank you for at least keeping

some stuff tidy. Mummy misses you! Have fun with your friends :)


I put the letter back in the envelope, my face growing into a rosy pink. Oscar was evidently peering over the bunk bed, staring down at me. “Just amazing! You didn’t clean your room. Oh and by the way, we have classes.” He gasped a stale laugh, hopping off the bed, making a loud thump which lightly shook the ground. I slid the letter in the nightstand’s bottom drawer. I was already dressed in my black robes with my house stitched on the top of it, as well as my trousers and other necessities. Meanwhile Oscar – the boy with bright hair, a slender face with hallow cheeks and bright green eyes was dressed in his pajamas. Red stripped pajamas with a T shirt referencing muggle fiction. I always pondered why he was in Ravenclaw – he was just too peculiar.


Now I was heading to my first class: Herbology. It wasn’t my least favorite but waking up first thing to smell acidic aromas and things that’ll make your nostril hairs dance wasn’t my thing.

The Ravenclaw common room was filled with students in their 5th years, or even their last years, much like my sister who was not in sight. I did notice the feeble looking girl from the sorting hat and the train ride here. She had her tabby cat curled up around her, making purring noises. I could hear the girl mutter to the cat, “No, Birch!” What a strange name for a cat. Beside her was this ginger faced boy, not speaking a word to her. There was also a distance between them. I noticed him to be in his 5th year, as he was here last year, desperately wanting to give me toturing lessons on the most simplest things.

After I got through the common room, I was in a silent dead-end hall that only had the spiraling stairwells leading down. No one was really there – though I did hear a faint clatter of shoes. Dust had also made appearances through the window light. It was a ray of light from the window that escalated down, right in front of me. Dust particles were flying like creatures in it. I don’t know why I had always taken such significance to the morning light. It always looked so pure and distained.

I started to run down the spiraling stairs, my books in my left hand. I swept through the halls, looking at the Hogwarts sights to see. Like the magnificent paintings spread across the walls and the corridors with people doing mysterious, against the rule’s things. Finally, I was at my class. Nudging open the large wooden door leading into the classroom filled with students my age, I huffed a sigh to hear the teacher welcome me immediately.

“North! Just on time. Now, please suit yourself to these gloves.” The teacher said, a genuine smile sullied on his pale face. He had dark hair that ruffled up and a stubble. He looked to be in his 40s, greys catching up to him, as well as creases around his eyes. Other than that, his passion for his job kept him looking youthful.

“Yes sir,” I replied in a monotone voice. I slicked these rubber textured gloves over my bony hands, then went over to the lean wooden table with plants set on them. Plants. Tickling of noses.


12:31 AM


After a few classes had passed, it was time for lunch. All the students of Hogwarts came to the dining room to eat the lunch given. I sat at my table near Columbia and grabbed some toasted ham and cheese. Her hair was all big and held up as usual with clips on the sides, her lips were the color of wilting roses and under her eyes were deep mauve eye bags.

“Jeez Clo’, did you sleep at all?” I asked her. Her head slowly turned to my direction, her eyes having the depths and color of a swamp. “No,” she replied simply, “Don’t even with me. You’re 12 but have wrinkles all over. I don’t want to hear it.” She growled, rotating her head back to the front of herself.

“Well – you over your annoyance by the cat girl?” I asked her once again, hoping to catch her attention.

“I have more important things to worry about. Like how I’m going to fail this year, my last year!” She cried out in a low whimper. I averted my eyes down.

“Okay, okay. You’re right.”

“Hey, look,” I murmured. “She’s here. I’ll ask her something.” The girl sat right in front of me and Columbia. Granted, it seemed like she was avoiding something.

“Hi, my name’s North.”



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